Select a PICT file: Improper format encountered in PICT file! Select Target State: Full Screen Borderless Enter Check Box Answers: The text in this field is limited to ^0 characters... Discard all changes to current course and revert to original saved version? An error occurred while loading PICT image, probably insufficient memory. The PICT image is on the clipboard. Course Support There isn't enough memory to open this course. Operating system error reported. End of file error reported. Input/Output error reported. Directory full error reported. Resource not found error reported. Out of memory error reported. That is not the correct password. This course was not written with Course Builder 4.0, use the newest version to open this course. This course was written with an old version of Course Builder, use the conversion utility to update the course. The disk is locked. Unlock the disk and try again. There is not enough room on the disk to save your course. Try another disk. There are too many states and routes in this course to be saved. Divide the course up with bridges. Unable to save. The existing file is not a Course Builder document. Unable to save. The existing file is locked. Show Me Save course as: There is no printer resource file in your System Folder. There is no printer resource file on your System Folder. OK Save file as: Saving to disk has been disabled in this demonstration version of Course Builder Save file: Open course named: Leave your message about your courseware here... Not enough memory to save course as an application, try saving it as a document. Untitled Save course as: